




Noah has landed-Noah, Noahs ark, machine embroidery, Christian embroidery,
Jesus brown work-Jesus, machine embroidery, brown work, Jesus sketch, Easter embroidery, Christian, Christian embroidery
Only the strong-Christian, Christian embroidery, cross, strong, religion,machine embroidery
Art of Religion-Christian, Jesus, embroidery, flames, machine embroidery, cross, flames
Praise the Lord-Lord, Praise, Jesus, Religion, Christian, Easter, Holiday, machine embroidery
Lift your Hearts-Christian, Praise, Religion, machine embroidery, embroidery, Faith, Jesus, God
Im the way-Jesus, Cross, Way, Religion, Faith, Redemption, machine embroidery
Sacred Heart of Jesus-Sacred, Heart, Jesus, cross, machine embroidery, Christian
Moses 10 Commandments-Moses, commandments, religion, Jewish, Christian, tablets, machine embroidery
Passover2-Passover, religion, Judaism, holiday
Steps to Heaven-Heaven, steps, Religion, Christian, machine embroidery, cross
Proud Christian Biker-Biker, Christian, motorcycle, vehicle, machine embroidery, Proud
Elegant Star of David-David, Star, Judaism, religion, machine embroidery
Shofar-Shofar, Judaism, religion, machine embroidery
Exodus-Exodus, Judaism, Israel, religion, Christian
Lion and the Lamb-Lion, Lamb, Christian, Machine embroidery, Jesus, Religion
Jewish heritage-Jewish, heritage, Judaism, religion, machine embroidery
Commandments-Commandments, 10, Religion, Christian, Judaism , machine embroidery
Passover celebration-Passover, Judaism, holiday, religion, machine embroidery
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Christ our Passover-Christ, Passover, Christian, Religion, machine embroidery
Lion of Judah-Lion, Judah, Christian, Judaism, machine embroidery, animals
Christ Lion-Christ, Jesus, Lion, Christian, Religion, Savior, Machine embroidery
IDF-IDF, Israel, Defense, Force, Religion, Judaism, country
Lord and Savior-Lord, Savior, Motorcycle, patch, Christian, machine embroidery
David Hebrew-David, Hebrew, Judaism, religion, faith, Jewish
She Angel-She Angel, Angel, Christian, Heavenly, machine embroidery
Deborahs Palm-Deborahs Palm, Jewish, Deborah, Palm tree, prayers, religion, machine embroidery
Ruth-Ruth, bible, women, Jewish
Shofar blew-Shofar blew,Jewish, Judaism, ,rabbie, machine embroidery
Exodus-Exodus, religion, bible, Judaism, Jewish, machine embroidery

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