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Samwise-Samwise, Potter, Harry, machine embroidery
Love Potion-Love Potion, potion, Harry, Potter, Love, machine embroidery
LOTR Tree-lotr, machine embroidery, tree, movies, lotr tree
LOTR Picture-LOTR, lotr picture, machine embroidery
Precious-Precious. LOTR, creature, movie,
Oliphaunt-Oliphaunt, elephant, lord, rings,
Thranbull-Thranbull, lotr, machine embroidery, embroidery
The Magician-Magician, lord, Lotr, magic, machine embroidery
Elven Archer-Elven, Archer, machine embroidery, Lord, Rings,embroidery
Frodo-Frodo, Lord, rings, machine embroidery
Arwen-Arwen, machine embroidery, Rings, Lord
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