




Looking for your own specail baseball logo for your apparel?

Here is a nice selection of machine embroidery that you might enjoy

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Orioles-Orioles, baseball, Sports
Chicago Cubs-Chicago, Cubs, baseball, sports, machine embroidery
Mets-Mets, NY, baseball, machine embroidery
Cincinnati Player-Cincinnati, baseball, player, team, machine embroidery
Cincinnati Reds-Cincinnati, Reds, Baseball, sports, machine embroidery
Dodgers-Dodgers, baseball, sports, machine embroidery
Dodgers ball-Dodgers, ball, baseball, sports, machine embroidery
Miami Marlins-Miami, Marlins, Marlin, baseball, sports, machine embroidery
Toronto Blue Jays-Toronto, Blue jays, baseball, sports, machine embroidery
Cardinals-Cardinals, St. Louis, baseball, sports, machine embroidery
Seattle Mariners-Seattle, Mariners, baseball, machine embroidery
Milwaukee mitt-Milwaukee, mitt, baseball, sports, machine embroidery
Milwaukee Brewers-Milwaukee, brewers, baseball, sports, machine embroidery
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